Play Pontoon Online, Rules, Strategy, How to Play

Pontoon Features
Pontoon Basics
You can play pontoon online for free above. When you’re ready you can claim a massive real money bonus, and free spins to play pontoon for real money online.
Pontoon is a classic British Card Game. Played in pubs and clubs. But also was a popular family card game played in the 70’s, 80’s and 90’s. It’s not quite as popular now as the next generation have an obsession with poker. We do expect pontoon to make a comeback at some point in the not too distant future.
Very much the same as Black Jack the idea of Pontoon is to get 21, the term pontoon is when you have 21 with 2 cards an Ace (11) and any picture card K,Q,J or 10. Several variations of pontoon exist. The version above at our favorite online casino has a minimum bet of £1 and a maximum of £40. You can play high stakes pontoon online also.
Other pontoon games include shoot pontoon, this is a multiplayer version you play against other people rather than the house. Shoot pontoon isn’t available online as of yet but keep an eye out for future updates and we will let you know as soon as it’s available.
Your Pontoon Questions Answered.
At bet Sharks we love to help. If you have any questions about pontoon we are more than happy to answer them. Please get in touch. We will do our very best to get back to you and answer your quires.
What does pontoon mean?
In the card game pontoon means 21 with 2 cards.
If you have any ace with any card that has a value of 10. You have Pontoon.
What is a five card trick in Pontoon?
A five card trick in pontoon is basically having 5 cards that total or are less than 21. A 5 card trick is the second highest hand you can have, only losing to pontoon or a five card trick of higher numerical value.
Pontoon betting strategy:
There is a lot of strategy written over the Years about pontoon and casino blackjack. Below are the most popular methods and sytems used.
If you want to know how to win playing pontoon then read on…..
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